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After Robbie had played this one for us early on, and while we were waiting for everyone to assemble for a later Zoom call, Margaret bet me a drink that the perpetually optimistic Robbie had written this song unaware of the ambiguity of the main lines – that he’d mostly just liked the flow of the words and the positive interpretation. I thought about it for a moment and took the bet. “I think Robbie and I have known each other and played together long enough that when he was writing the words, he consciously thought, ‘What would Kevin’s take be?’ and embraced the ambiguity.”

I was right, and that made me smile. 😊

Robbie Robinson – Songwriting, lyrics, vocals, guitars, bass
Kenny Tannehill – Background vocals, recording
Margaret Bibb – Background vocals
Kevin Craig – Drums, recording, mixing


Nothing but a thing if I look at it a certain way - nothing I must do
Don’t want to be oblivious and simply turn my head
Nothing is the answer to everything always. Nothing.

Do you look for a phrase? Does it tell you what to say?
Or should you think for yourself always? Always?

A picture is painted, an emotion is there
Is it always the same one? Never. Never.
One person laughs at it, another is offended.
Somebody doesn’t get it, does it really matter?

Nothing is the answer to everything always. Nothing.
Nothing is right all the time.
