Mike Grunert's listening history

Mike Grunert's avatar
A punky song about the simple pleasures in life, just ordinary good shit!
Mike Grunert's avatar
A song about toxic friends. I recorded a different version of this later with Suicide Chicken.
Mike Grunert's avatar
A little scary opener to the album, recorded my daughter screaming as a baby. She was actually happy at the time but it sounds demonic!
Andrew Russe's avatar
Pop-rock song. Recorded 2009. I wrote this several years earlier and rehearsed it with the last band I was in. The recording was my first "serious" project on my Boss MBR, I was stunned that you could do something like this on a little silver…
Andrew Russe's avatar
This is a remix of this song. It was recorded in 2010, and I was in a hurry to post it elsewhere because I'm so fond of the song itself. But I've always hated the old mix - I lost the essence of the guitars and choirs during mastering because…
Andrew Russe's avatar
First new one from me in a long time. Kind of a love song, I guess. Recorded in my new "studio" (3rd bedroom in the new house). Almost up and running now... shine and don't stop wondering! **** **Shine - A A J Russe** On my way…
Brett Warren's avatar
2010 Hey, your mind is a planet, bay-beh
Brett Warren's avatar
Gary Fox's avatar
I had to do it. I had to write a song for a Bond movie. Now they just need to make the movie, and hire me to do the soundtrack.
brianclark's avatar