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Chant Of The Rat Race


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(C) 2000 Pasquinade

Guest said

Ah, yes-- the song that got her fired from her secretary's job & started her musical career. She sang it at an office Christmas party one year & the next business day, the bosses told her that if that was how she felt, she didn't have to work there any more. She took at as a sign that she was supposed to make music for a living & never looked back. Rest in peace, Lu.

xenotolerance's avatar
xenotolerance said

this is hilarious

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Both my wife and I very much enjoyed this ;) more please.

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

Lu, Welcome to Alonetone.

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said


02bfree's avatar
02bfree said

Tell it like it is.

Guest said

And off they go! Nice major/ minor change up.. Brown noses,Haha. You are my new favorite Writer.

Guest said

Well it an excellent way to start innit ? Love the line about the Boss man and how he doesn't say boo at home ....we've got one like that at my work ...he is an absolute .....well politeness forbids and modesty prevails...but he is, and a big one at that. Jarvoid

Guest said

Haha, brilliant lyrics! Welcome to Alonetone. Looking forward to hearing more.

Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Excellent song to play while getting ready for work this Monday morning!

Guest said

Lu, hi, it's wonderful to see you on here. A big welcome to Alonetone yawl! What a brilliant song! Your lyric and diction are superb, not to leave out your terrific sense of humour. A great start to my monday. Thanks!

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