Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was watching the ladies on the dance floor then suddenly one took his eye.................................a bit of noodle that turned into something........
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

:) Cool

thetworegs's avatar
Reg heard the color of the lonely street by Vaisvil and Norbert and got himself all Jazzy inside.... so he's released it going out for a walk along the lonely street..........
igor's avatar
igor said

The spirit of jazz, as a phantom of the opera before, is walking down a deserted nighttime streets. And sings. He sings to himself, about himself.....

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has nipped down the cellar tonight to contemplate the big question...this is what he came up with ...he could be wrong who knows...and now he's going for a nice hot bath...............
igor's avatar
igor said

1st voice: - And what if he finds the answer to this question, which he calls the great? 2nd voice: - ...doubt... 3rd voice, from afar: - He don't. Asked wrong. Rather just in the bath...

thetworegs's avatar
Vaisvil sent me this great Blues tune and so i threw it down the cellar and Reg jumped all over it with his point of view on love being a Four letter word.......... FOUR LETTER WORD (Lyrics) Love  oh Love it's not just a four letter word…
Guest said

Master of vocals! stands out!

thetworegs's avatar
Vaisvil sent me this great Blues tune and so i threw it down the cellar and Reg jumped all over it with his point of view on love being a Four letter word.......... FOUR LETTER WORD (Lyrics) Love  oh Love it's not just a four letter word…
Vestigial Remorse's avatar
Vestigial Remorse said

and it's favorited -- very nice!

thetworegs's avatar
Vaisvil sent me this great Blues tune and so i threw it down the cellar and Reg jumped all over it with his point of view on love being a Four letter word.......... FOUR LETTER WORD (Lyrics) Love  oh Love it's not just a four letter word…
Guest said


thetworegs's avatar
Vaisvil sent me this great Blues tune and so i threw it down the cellar and Reg jumped all over it with his point of view on love being a Four letter word.......... FOUR LETTER WORD (Lyrics) Love  oh Love it's not just a four letter word…
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

Wicked delivery, :) something to smile about.

thetworegs's avatar
Vaisvil sent me this great Blues tune and so i threw it down the cellar and Reg jumped all over it with his point of view on love being a Four letter word.......... FOUR LETTER WORD (Lyrics) Love  oh Love it's not just a four letter word…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Thanks for the lyrics and singing!! You sound great as usual!!

thetworegs's avatar
The husbands point of view to this one Well Reg has taken on the part of the wronged husband and has been dwelling on his problems all day and now…
sleggthesockpuppet's avatar
sleggthesockpuppet said

i think we've already got a mutual appreciation society going treg (for some reason that thought gives me an image of us duetting "did you ever what a swell party this is")

thetworegs's avatar
The passport, acapulco and finding out about the affair with Reg was the final straw ithe saga of Desirea and Reg is finally over Reg has drawn a line in the sand and stepped over it. It over and done he washes his hands of her. So he went out…
odh's avatar
odh said

Typical bloke...

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is still clean but he's getting doubt's.................
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said


thetworegs's avatar
The husbands point of view to this one Well Reg has taken on the part of the wronged husband and has been dwelling on his problems all day and now…
sleggthesockpuppet's avatar
sleggthesockpuppet said


thetworegs's avatar
It was late Reg made a connection, then he left........the £16 is earning it's money again..............
sleggthesockpuppet's avatar
sleggthesockpuppet said

beautiful playing & singing v n & r

thetworegs's avatar
The passport, acapulco and finding out about the affair with Reg was the final straw ithe saga of Desirea and Reg is finally over Reg has drawn a line in the sand and stepped over it. It over and done he washes his hands of her. So he went out…
thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Too right Norm the lessons been learned ......i've been burned so bad it's been cauterised ................

thetworegs's avatar
The passport, acapulco and finding out about the affair with Reg was the final straw ithe saga of Desirea and Reg is finally over Reg has drawn a line in the sand and stepped over it. It over and done he washes his hands of her. So he went out…
Norm's avatar
Norm said

@Goose: by "she", do you mean to imply that you asked Desirea to go to a Rod Stewart concert and she wouldn't go with you, but *did* go (on your ticket) with your friend?? Typical Desirea. He must have had more money than you did... and heaven only knows what horrors he eventually had to go through with her. Just be grateful that *you* dodged that bullet, and Reg, *let this be a leason for you.*

thetworegs's avatar
Reg heard the color of the lonely street by Vaisvil and Norbert and got himself all Jazzy inside.... so he's released it going out for a walk along the lonely street..........
Guest said

Makes me feel Jazzy:-)

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has nipped down the cellar tonight to contemplate the big question...this is what he came up with ...he could be wrong who knows...and now he's going for a nice hot bath...............
Guest said

The regs are pimping it out!!! love it!

thetworegs's avatar
The passport, acapulco and finding out about the affair with Reg was the final straw ithe saga of Desirea and Reg is finally over Reg has drawn a line in the sand and stepped over it. It over and done he washes his hands of her. So he went out…
Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said

Stunning, Reg and Reg.

thetworegs's avatar
It was late Reg made a connection, then he left........the £16 is earning it's money again..............
Guest said

Oh my! I've come over all faint.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg heard the color of the lonely street by Vaisvil and Norbert and got himself all Jazzy inside.... so he's released it going out for a walk along the lonely street..........
Guest said

Super slinky Reg! Love the bluesy music.
