Fantastic, I feel this one, I am there with you, deadly musical imagination you have. You sure there are only two Regs. sounds like a room full of the damn Reg dudes.
poem by: T.S. Eliot (1888-1965)
As she laughed I was aware of becoming involved
in her laughter and being part of it, until her
teeth were only accidental stars with a talent
for squad-drill. I was drawn in by short gasps…
This is a simple composition from the year 1994 (so so...). The 'lead' guitar plays the voices part, and the rest of the little arrangements (also simple, by the way) were added today. I hope you like and/or enjoy this one. Cheers!
This is a composition from July's '96, and it could be said that it belongs to a period in which i was listening to, and composing, in a kind of 'baroque' style, very influenced by J. S. Bach. I hope you like and/or enjoy it.
This is beautiful, Fantastic playing if i had a red pen i would give you 5 stars. Yes that is 5 stars you were hearing right.(I feel i must explain. At primary school we used to get a red star on our hand if we were good)
Kinda rough. I'm uploading this mainly to share a guitar technique I've been working on. I'm wearing a slide on my picking hand and using it to alter pitches in single line phrases. There's a lot more can be done with this technique that I've…
This is a simple composition from the year 1994 (so so...). The 'lead' guitar plays the voices part, and the rest of the little arrangements (also simple, by the way) were added today. I hope you like and/or enjoy this one. Cheers!
Woody's first adventure in didgeridoo recording. Features bass through a keyboard and a tsamiko rhythm drum loop. Tsamiko is a popular traditional dance of Greece. The rhythm seemed to suit the didgeridoo quite well and inspired this piece.
Really wanted to try and learn what i would consider one of the best lead guitar solos of all time, recorded this in early 2010 and it's my effort at learning the solo. Hope you enjoy it.
Did the world really need a cheesy, spaghetti western version of this classic Eagles song? I'm not sure. Did I make one anyway? Yes. Yes, I did. By the way the painting is "Villa Diablo" by Downe Burns.
keywords: old clint eastwood movies, the…
That,s a great story about waking surrounded by vultures. Not so good on the near death experience with the food poisoning but There has to be a song in it somewhere especially with dancing vulture's mmmmmmm...........
We call this Beat-box ghosts (the prog-fu mix). A fun collab between Osckilo and myself. Osckilo had this song he did called Ghosts, all done beat-box. I had to ask him what beat-box meant, I had no idea. I took his original track (just his…
Comments on thetworegs's stuff
Pretty cool. Really like the backing vocals. Great feel to this! Thanks for recent comment on my song Tuba Man!
Fantastic, I feel this one, I am there with you, deadly musical imagination you have. You sure there are only two Regs. sounds like a room full of the damn Reg dudes.
love this!
Great tune you nailed it.
Unhinged is a great way to make super fine music. This rocks hard for such a quite track.
Thats the kind of song I like, sure do, sure do.
Comments made by thetworegs
Enjoyed this immensely in fact so much so i started to laugh
Rockin Yeh!!!
powerful sound
It may be simple for you but for me it is Beautiful
I liked it and enjoyed it. thank you a blues with spanish feel
This is beautiful, Fantastic playing if i had a red pen i would give you 5 stars. Yes that is 5 stars you were hearing right.(I feel i must explain. At primary school we used to get a red star on our hand if we were good)
Love that horn dancing about it's leading me somewhere like the pied piper, lets hope i don't end up in the river. Good one
excellent cover. How is that sound made with guitar? what effect is it? at the beginning?
Love the rumbling Rhythm
an excellent new sound to my ears
Great sound
call -999 this man has gone jam crazy
listening again this is excellent
That,s a great story about waking surrounded by vultures. Not so good on the near death experience with the food poisoning but There has to be a song in it somewhere especially with dancing vulture's mmmmmmm...........
This has a great sound love it
Catchy lead great song
Nice bit of guitar