thetworegs's listening history

FDR's avatar
Reg crawled out of his bunker and wandered down the hill where Jip 1965 found him and dragged him round to FDR,s cave,the beer flowed,the whiskey jug was emptied and we all turned into AC/DC. And then we went down the Rum Runner and rocked the…
thetworegs's avatar
I was having a jam with James song then i sent it over to FDR for a bit of polishing.....Thanks Snoop!!
FDR's avatar
A little ditty i recorded at the weekend and then sent off to the Mighty Two Regs to strut his stuff all over and man that boy can sing!!! Cheers Reg,your a star!!!
FDR's avatar
Making music is sometimes such a trip......pun intended!!!
thetworegs's avatar
After Sebs football today I went up into the loft searching for an old guitar a friend gave me a few years back. When I lifted the lid of the case I saw that the tone switch was pulled off leaving bare wires. I couldn't remember if it worked or…
Paul Matthews's avatar
Pleased with this orchestration and the Tina Arena arrangement of this iconic Kate Bush classic...have always loved it! Produced and performed by myself, except for the stunning vocal performance by Tina of course ..... (Original Song…
kavin.'s avatar
Zero Incentive and the Bluffs's avatar
Lyrics, Vocals, and Acoustic by Mason P. All other instruments by Lane Sullivan
montgomeru's avatar
thetworegs's avatar
I was having a strum and this popped out ..... I GOT THIS FEELING I got this feeling I got this feeling I got this feeling It starts in my bones It growing like a seed Its taking as it feeds Turning my emotions into need oh I…