thetworegs's listening history

Movement To Contact's avatar
Backing track for It's Okay, have some fun with it! Looking forward to hear if you come up with something Mac and Trev!
bigbaddog's avatar
Hers's another we have just recorded Thanks for listening
thetworegs's avatar
Having fun in the Bunker.........
thetworegs's avatar
A 1st mix
The Proods's avatar
You Are Free....a fun tune from Prood jam session
thetworegs's avatar
I live in a house with a river running at the bottom of the garden so i wrote a song about it. When I get down by the river and I watch it flow I Wonder where the hell it finally goes Snaking…
thetworegs's avatar
I live in a house with a river running at the bottom of the garden so i wrote a song about it. When I get down by the river and I watch it flow I Wonder where the hell it finally goes Snaking…
thetworegs's avatar
I live in a house with a river running at the bottom of the garden so i wrote a song about it. When I get down by the river and I watch it flow I Wonder where the hell it finally goes Snaking…
thetworegs's avatar
We're all in the same boat with nobody at the rudder and hoping the swell will take us through to the otherside. we've been given time to to think about life while the door is closed. When it opens again lets put all those wrongs to right because…
thetworegs's avatar
it's getting late so theres no time for finness it might be here by the morning ..... DOING THE SOLITARY TANGO Sitting on the 13th floor, looking over London The clouds are filling up with dead mens tears Everyones feeling like their a little…