thetworegs's listening history

Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Sic Mundus Creatus Est - Thus the world was created
Reefwalker's avatar
RPM17 2/10 tuned the guitar flat and played those "black Keys" Ive never touched before. flat or sharp, ? either way nothing but rain here in SF for the last 2 weeks...Enjoy!
Reefwalker's avatar
RPM17 1/10 First song on RPM first song on RPM ever lol Really glad I made this one. I had to dig up an old VHS tape (anyone remember those?) for the audio sample in this track. The hardest part about making this tune was actually…
thetworegs's avatar
Messing about and this came out...not sure on the Book line but hey i'm trying down here..... Just never enough EM C A EM A Em A Em G A Em G A Em G A If Yesterday is the lost friend of tomorrow Today should set in gold A tear forms in my…
Norm's avatar
*Pilón* reveals a Cuban pattern, traditionally played on Timbales, but in this case on Jr. Congas & Congas (with gated reverberation and flanger effect). The rhythm of Pilón is based on the motions of pounding sugar cane. A new son reveals…
thetworegs's avatar
Messing about and this came out...not sure on the Book line but hey i'm trying down here..... Just never enough EM C A EM A Em A Em G A Em G A Em G A If Yesterday is the lost friend of tomorrow Today should set in gold A tear forms in my…
montgomeru's avatar
Too long to be real.
thetworegs's avatar
Messing about and this came out...not sure on the Book line but hey i'm trying down here..... Just never enough EM C A EM A Em A Em G A Em G A Em G A If Yesterday is the lost friend of tomorrow Today should set in gold A tear forms in my…
thetworegs's avatar
Messing about and this came out...not sure on the Book line but hey i'm trying down here..... Just never enough EM C A EM A Em A Em G A Em G A Em G A If Yesterday is the lost friend of tomorrow Today should set in gold A tear forms in my…
thetworegs's avatar
Messing about and this came out...not sure on the Book line but hey i'm trying down here..... Just never enough EM C A EM A Em A Em G A Em G A Em G A If Yesterday is the lost friend of tomorrow Today should set in gold A tear forms in my…