thetworegs's listening history

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So, what's "Fly"? This. Bass Cajon; tambourine; congas; cymbals. 4/4 180bpm.
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Caveat emptor: I did absolutely none of the drumming in this piece. WORLD PREMIER! FIRST RECORDING OF THIS PATTERN - EVER! My friend Kokou "Alex" Yemey called me a few days ago with some urgency in his voice: "I must record this before…
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As chance had it, I found myself in an acoustically great room, full of cajons! Well, they were unfinished cabinets actually, but they had lovely tones. Since this is the stuff dreams are made of, I had no choice but to seize the opportunity and…
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Caveat emptor: I did absolutely none of the drumming in this piece. ANOTHER WORLD PREMIER! FIRST RECORDING OF THIS PATTERN - EVER! My friend Kokou "Alex" Yemey delighted me with another visit this evening. He played "Aju" - all 5 tracks…
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This is the very last of the stink recorded in my old studio. A spontaneous improvisation on Congas and Bata drums (dressed ceremonially with bells).
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My Gon-Bops congas getting to know my new space. 180bpm. Gated & Phased. As in phased-out.
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A Gon Bops conga improvisation with a cross-over rhythm. No tan lines. 4/4 200bpm.
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Stealin' Pumpkins off the vine... Such good fun I do it all the time. Single Gon Bops conga track miced for heavy bass. And 2 tracks of cow bell, of course. 4/4 200bpm
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As I had nothing better to do last night, I had this great idea that I would construct a rhythm for the 24 hour challenge. This would be different: a 24 minute drum solo (I mean, who wouldn't love that?). I even had a perfect bass riff: the "Mother…
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In Argentina they say "in Argentina everything may change - except the tango", but I couldn't resist adding some percussion to this beautiful nuevo tango by Vincent Voois, composed in the style of Astor Pantaleon Piazzolla. Check out Vincent…