This Wretched Vessel's listening history

Letter Seventeen's avatar
I asked to robots to help me write a song in the style of Tom Waits. Riding on a train to the edge of town Where the night has just begun People on the street with nowhere to go Living hard and having fun Everywhere I go there’s a song…
Letter Seventeen's avatar
Did you guys hear? There are SPY BALLOONS!!!!! A view from above, floating so high Watching as the world goes by Silent and sleek, full of mystique High altitude game of hide and seek Flying high, floating in the air You think you…
Zero Incentive and the Bluffs's avatar
Lyrics, Vocals, and Acoustic by Mason P. All other instruments by Lane Sullivan
This Wretched Vessel's avatar
RPM2023. February, the month of concessions. I didn't have the time to put into the original idea that I had for this year, so first concession, put that on the back burner and instead do something a little, or a lot, simpler. A collection…
Zero Incentive and the Bluffs's avatar
I feel the keys and pop feel of this one screams of Tim's influences. Like if we both listened to the same song, this would be my take away vs his. Lyric content? You guessed it... Meta. * Disclaimer: I understand that most of the…
Zero Incentive and the Bluffs's avatar
This Wretched Vessel has a lot of post hardcore, Pop punk, punk, and leaning toward metal guitar riffs... but they have a shoegaze side. The only reason I even own a pedalboard is because of their guitarist. The lyric content is more meta…
This Wretched Vessel's avatar
A song to myself. I’ve often felt like an unnecessary appendage in the circles I end up in. I’ve had some real crazy experiences in my life, and I tend to exaggerate to try an instill the grandness I felt in each story. Sometimes, I’m annoying…
This Wretched Vessel's avatar
I like Bad Religion. The first album I heard, I remember thinking that it was amazing that there was a smart punk band. Also, I like the way that their songs could work with an acoustic guitar, and still stand. I thought this had a similar…
This Wretched Vessel's avatar
I was thinking this was going to be the longest song, but then the next song happened. Anyways, title says it all. Don't let this be what you judge my abilities on. I can do better. Just go listen to my other albums, but maybe after you finish…
This Wretched Vessel's avatar
Hey, look! A short song, and it's kind of gross. It's easy to write about gross stuff. It's hard to put effort into songs when you have two days to write and record everything. This one was fun to make.