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The Happy Bumblebee Reel

Vegetable Man

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this was my last rpm song…i had a little mandolin riff and threw on the kazoo (which broke in the last verse), and it reminded me a happy bee buzzing around…and there you have it!

Guest said

I don't think my message went through... I said I'll have to write a track about the goofy grin on that Bumblebee's lil face.

Guest said

what was this bee smoking? Very nice track guy.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

HAHA! This is great fun! Can't help but smile!

am/fm dreams's avatar
am/fm dreams said

love this song...great title....nice kazooing...

Guest said

my good man! you are my hero on the kazzoo! and ya were still partying up in kanuck ville

Guest said

Yes well, I am definitely playing your tracks at my next dinner party. I think this one had better be with the coffee, after we've had a few other tipples!

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