vaisvil's listening history

Lalo Oceja's avatar
This is the final ending of my Percussion Festival
Lalo Oceja's avatar
This is the final ending of my Percussion Festival
Rick Phillips's avatar
A second version with the initial lead guitar standing alone...a little cluttered after a few listens and some constructive feedback! Norm's Groove for St Monica inspired this one. Thanks Norm! Lead Guitar, bass guitar and acoustic guitar…
Alister Flint's avatar
still one of my personal faves. - although i'd wish to redo some parts, i'm stuck with this version, since i don't own one of the synths used there anymore.. (original photo)
Wildgeas Music's avatar
WARNING! ADULT CONTENT or goofy great........ After a week of computer crashes, I finally got my gear all back to normal. I got my drum kit hooked up yesterday and did a test run which led to this bit of Saturday morning fun that only proves…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
A long over due changing of the acoustic strings led to this epic production. 40 tracks and 34 plug-ins. Good Gravy that's a boat load of tracks. All kinds of stuff happening. Enjoy! you spend your days and your night times bustin' ass…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Just another time traveling love song from your ole Uncle Paul. Mostly MIDI synths and some analog bass and screaming Ibanez. Drum loops too. I was going to drum it, but these two loops really kinda drive it along. Enjoy..... filled…
dougsparling's avatar
Guitars/Mandolin/Pennywhistle: Doug Sparling Composer: Doug Sparling Recorded: 2006 Nothing special, the last track I wrote and recorded for this unfinished CD.
Norm's avatar
So, what's "Fly"? This. Bass Cajon; tambourine; congas; cymbals. 4/4 180bpm.
ACTiVE's avatar