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My Heart is Broken

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My Heart is Broken

Here lies my broken dream
There goes my stolen things
    My heart lies broken,
    My heart is broken
Here lies my broken dream
There goes my stolen things
    My heart is broken

Long ago, long ago,
Longer than I care to remember!
There was some thoughts I had
But I didn't think them over!

Long ago, long ago,
When I first set eyes on you
Long ago, long ago,
How my heart melts

Long ago, long ago,
When I first fell on you
Long ago, long ago,
My heart was open, was open!

Long ago, long ago,
When I first set eyes on you
Long ago, long ago,
How my heart melts

Long ago, long ago,
When I first fell on you
Long ago, long ago,
My heart was open, was open!

(various voices [SK-5])

My broken heart.....broken....broken....broken...
(backwards too, of course!)
I've been wrong..

My heart is broken.... (repeat until L.A. reverts to farmland,
oh, and sing backwards too.)

I put drums, bass and 3 guitars on the 4-track and mixed to casette.
I then bounced the casette back to the 4-track and added vocals, lead
guitars and sampler to it. The vocals were recorded by bringing the
tape speed down when recording. (I couldn’t sing as high as I wanted to,
which is the only reason I did it. As it turned out it added something to
the song.)
