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A Nagging Thought


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A steel string guitar improvisation I did last night before bed called “A Nagging Thought“. The piece prominently features a V+ to i (augmented dominant to minor tonic) movement. I usually don’t care for the sound of an augmented tried but in this case it seems to work for me. Hopefully it works for you as well.

Norm's avatar
Norm said

Auuugh! Once seen, never to be forgotten... regrettably. Fortunately, once heard, not forgotten either. Nice work!

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Worked great! Very nice! A perfect bedtime track man.

launched's avatar
launched said

Ahh, my comments sometimes don't make it in. I have to keep checking on that. Anyway, it was positive whatever I said :)

launched's avatar
launched said

I love the steel!!! You got a great sound here and the playing is fantastic!

kavin.'s avatar
kavin. said

Fantastic, inventive stuff.

Guest said

yes, sounds lovely to me. That poor little chap in the nappy. No wonder he looks so embarrassed.

Guest said

love it!

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