Whales's listening history

Owen Bourne's avatar
I watched a programme on Dali half way through composing this and it took some strange turns!
Brigitte Bijoux's avatar
Eugene Hammond's Ramshackle Black Packard's avatar
It's pretty smooth. Go get your groove on.
communitytrees's avatar
this song was a live recording with one mike in the middle of all the instruments
Cameron Steele's avatar
Strings attached to your world; your world is made of strings. Dear puppet, if you could talk, what would you say?
Cameron Steele's avatar
Walking through a new world with a new perspective; everything is a circuit; everything is infinite and electronic. Artificial things and natural things are the same.
Cameron Steele's avatar
Are we learning something new every day? It used to feel like I forgot something important every day. Did I know that you loved me? Was it love that you owed me?
MF Hot Wheels Spaulding esq's avatar
this is a dilligent application of 'Biding my time' by shortbus music(Barry Morgan) and Brian Bazeley, to a tune called 'no grapes' by Illegal Alien Autospy. I think the results are just plain fun
KraftiM's avatar
A track from KraftiM's first album BackvieW. Mix from classic and ambient inspired by Stravinsky's Agon ballet
magneticgoat's avatar
... or you may fall