Wildgeas Music's listening history

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Homegrown loops, cut and pasted. Drumming with loops. I'm going loopty looooo...
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Lots of stuff going on here. Homegrown Piano loop, 12 string and 6 string acoustic loops. Some fuzzed up guitars, bass, and a sprinkle of harmonica. Oh yeah, and Zippo slide....
Wildgeas Music's avatar
One more to go and I'm slapping them together. This is 3 layered drum loops. Some dupes and some play along. I've managed to grow a huge beard this RPM. I think I'm starting to look like Gandolf. :)
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Setting aside the harmonica, this is all MIDI. I just realized there's no bass track. Duh!!
Wildgeas Music's avatar
There's a few things going on here in this little all MIDI experiment. First, I wanted to show an example of artistic clipping to go with my current posts in the forums on the subject. The kettle drums in this piece clip in to the red on their…
Boyle's avatar
thetworegs's avatar
A sunday afternoon Jam turned into this one...hope you enjoy...... THE HARD RAIN he was born in a hurricane, up on the 95th floor his childhood was spent pining for a mothers who had died everyone in the building fought for what they need…
erocnet's avatar
FDR's avatar
Another song about my favorite pub where i shall be drinking in the new year, so have a good one and CHEERS EVERYBODY!!!
bufinjer's avatar