Wrinkled Shirt's listening history

Len Sasso's avatar
Passing more time ... Uploaded 7.20.2020
Len Sasso's avatar
Uploaded 08.16.2020
Len Sasso's avatar
Uploaded 8.31.2020
Shed Sounds's avatar
Well... this took a left turn at Odd Street. The main melody started off as riff written and played on bass guitar and the early version had guitars, and real drums etc.... Then I got introduced to a suite of 80s synth plugins and it all went…
Shed Sounds's avatar
This is only the second song I've ever written on the guitar - I'm playing acoustic and rhythm... and you can tell I'm a beginner 😆 Happily the rest of the instrumentation is a little more polished. No sugar coating this... It's a very melancholy…
Shed Sounds's avatar
A bit of a 'kitchen sink' one... It's another one I play beginner's guitar on tentatively (the lead break & rhythm) The are no vocals (I'm amassing a large amount of songs needing vocals!) but it does feature some more epic 80s synths…
thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg was watching the news and he couldn't believe a word that our great prime minister was saying ....He believes that Boris is actually working against us rather that with us in our battle against the Covid. Reg lives in the North of England…
dragonsong's avatar
A track from my album "Dragon Tales" which was an entry in the RPM Challenge a little while ago
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Couch surfing with Aladin.
Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
Start to finish what's the common middle?