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Pluto (Requiem for a Planet)

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Traveling past Pluto on our journey through Space, we picked up on sad vibrations coming from the ex-planet and translated them into music.

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adamrykala's avatar
adamrykala said

Anything that respects Pluto as a planet gets my vote! Awesome....

Guest said

Poor Pluto...although maybe he was always aware of his true dwarf status and was being smug. BUT, this is a beautiful tribute nonetheless.

Guest said

Very creative! Great work. I can feel plutos pain. :) Sympathy pains for a body in space. Pluto is bummed out about being declassified as a planet? hehe...pooor poor pluto. I think we should add some more mass to it so it can regain it's previous title.

Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

This is the one missing from Tomita's (Holst) The Planets!
