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ready for this to be over 20090826


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This is day 24 of my 24 day project. So that means it’s over.

And if you’re reading this on alonetone, this is lucky track number 100.

24 “songs” in 24 days. Really, the only requirement was to produce a minute of music each day.

I wish I could’ve invested more time in this final song, but I have 3 problems:

  1. I’m losing my voice
  2. I have to get up early
  3. Tomorrow I have to sing publicly for the first time since 2000 (for a voice class)

I like making excuses.

And I really do wish that I could’ve done a celebratory song on this last day, since the end of this short project is bittersweet. But alas, trying to get my voice rested for tomorrow is a higher priority.

Day 25 and beyond is where I plan to focus on actually doing something with all of the a cappellas and all the other bare ideas. And actually work on mixdown occasionally.

Now I need a similar gimmick to the 24 day project to keep me on track…
I’m so ready for this to be over
My voice needs time to heal and recover
This project is the bane of my existence
An exercise in frustration and persistence

But I will transfer
All these wonderful new skills
And I will
Defeat songwriter’s block
And also cure cancer

glu's avatar
glu said

agree with the sista! go all the way! 365!! :-)

Guest said

Noooo! Make it 365!!!!!!!!!!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Congratulations! Awesome achievement and I like this one. It puts me in mind of Colin Garveys WooHoo song. He did that at the end of the 24hr album last year. It was also "of it's moment" and expresses some of the same feelings. Maybe you will enjoy it too!

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