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Straight instrumental with classical sprinkles.

Tipu's avatar
Tipu said

very futuristic bar/club sounding

spf006's avatar
spf006 said

Hello Persona, I'm writing to inquire about permission to use your music in a podcast I produce and of which I am technical-director. Its called the IndieBookMan Show and explores independent publishing every week. You can check out past episodes at We're constantly pairing independent artists' music with our interviews and show topics, for which we give verbal/audio credits within the show and also links with your choice of copy on the website for each episode in which your music gets used. Please let me know if we may include you. Keep up the great work, Thanks in advance, Sean P. Finn Technical Director, The IndieBookMan Show Founding Member, BPN (Baltimore Podcasting Network)

eshar's avatar
eshar said

I saw that this was a long track and didn't know what to expect, but it kept me interested all the way through...lots of great transistions. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Noctiluca's avatar
Noctiluca said

oh cool..i like it..
