Zero Incentive and the Bluffs's listening history

montgomeru's avatar
A Beautiful Scene's avatar
This is a cover of L17's cover of WIlsuns Album Departure. I took out all of the unnecessary bits and the starts and stops. It was like Covering Wilsun's 8 songs, then Tim's eight songs, but also Tim's one big song... Making this like.. 17 covers…
Letter Seventeen's avatar
Written for the April 2020 RPM mini-challenge. I hoped for an EP and ended up with a single song. The song is largely recorded on a T25 mic I built for Brian of A Beautiful Scene as a means to test the mic. It's pretty solid if you ask me…
Letter Seventeen's avatar
Written for the April 2020 RPM mini-challenge. I hoped for an EP and ended up with a single song. The song is largely recorded on a T25 mic I built for Brian of A Beautiful Scene as a means to test the mic. It's pretty solid if you ask me…
Letter Seventeen's avatar
Written for the April 2020 RPM mini-challenge. I hoped for an EP and ended up with a single song. The song is largely recorded on a T25 mic I built for Brian of A Beautiful Scene as a means to test the mic. It's pretty solid if you ask me…
A Beautiful Scene's avatar
A Beautiful Scene's avatar
A Beautiful Scene's avatar
A Beautiful Scene's avatar
A Beautiful Scene's avatar