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John Dillinger

Jason Earls

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I’ve been listening to Dillinger Escape Plan recently, which inspired this.

Mannequin Races's avatar
Mannequin Races said

Oh yeah, this is rocking. Great riffs. Nice production. The bottom end sounds a bit boomy but other than that it's all good. Fantastic shredding.

launched's avatar
launched said

Badass, man!! Love those bass runs!

Guest said

yeah thats rockin! Sweet! Total kick ass riffs and solos!

Guest said

Hey Jason, slick man, slick. Damn good track! Nice to know you.

Guest said

this sounds dangerous!

sixmilewide's avatar
sixmilewide said


alexisfromtexas's avatar
alexisfromtexas said

I love this. Heavy enough to be interesting and current. Melodic enough to not be just another loud guitar song. I like the up-th-scale riff, the bass line, and the sincopated drum part. Needs to find a home in an action movie soundtrack.

Max Sipowicz's avatar
Max Sipowicz said

i like your guitar sound.

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