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This was written about the Apostle James and what it must have been like for him during Our Lord's Passion. He was really close to Jesus - it was Peter, James and John who saw Jesus transfigured on Mt. Tabor and they were the only ones chosen…
This a song for the lenten season, contemplating what it must have been like for Jesus during His 40 days in the desert after being baptized by St. John, His cousin.
Forty Days
To the desert Jesus Christ was led
And for forty…
This is the Ave Maria prayer - the Hail Mary in Latin. The guitar is in a full E tuning with the Capo on the 5th fret. I recorded the voice and guitar together. This is the first recording of it so I may do it again to get the best performance.
This is about trying to follow Our Lord and that to be an authentic Christian one will often one's self going against the ways of the world.
Heart Of A Servant
No one wants to be a servant
Everyone wants to be in charge
No one wants…
i wrote this thinking about the Passion of Jesus and glimpsing the Truth of my own part inflicting His suffering through my sins.
Shouldn’t I Love You More?
You prayed for me in the garden
You saw my soul and…
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Now I want a donut, really like this song, but never heard one that I disliked, great work
Loved it, and I love Fancy on the cover, you are getting better and better
Hey, you nailed this one. Good job once again !
from Moultonborough, US
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