Comments on Paul Matthews's stuff

Paul Matthews's avatar
After the visit to Spain in no. 7, I found myself drifting over the continent of Asia for no. 8 !! Hopefully have captured some of the flavours of that area of the World..... As ever, 13111y supplied the final mastering.....cheers Billy.
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Nice one. Like the tinkly motif on the top that's there at the start and the finish... feels like it's been there all the way through... makes me feel like I've been on a journey.

Paul Matthews's avatar
Featuring the lovely voice of Naomi Daulby on all vocals, and the mastering guru 13111y (Billy) on bass......
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

My wife just ran in from the kitchen "is this a cover??? I KNOW this" - yep, I said, Kiki Dee... She's singing along with you now :) ... cool version

Paul Matthews's avatar
So, after the manic mayhem of 'Hunted' here is a rather more romantic piece for no. 6, and that I have subtitled with the French word for 'Love'......
Guest said

Walking along the river bank with the wind rustling through the trees stopping to skim a stone and looking for king fishers no words required just the ease of walking with the one you love fab xx

Paul Matthews's avatar
A different style again 6/8 time. I have now added one word descriptors to my Orchestrations series, to make the title a little less bland...and to give a clue as to the content!! I envisaged a furious chase through the jungle, perhaps…
Guest said

I had jungle in mind and the chase too before I saw your comment it’s exciting xx

Paul Matthews's avatar
A real change of tone here....introducing classical guitars into the orchestra! Trying here to evoke the feel and spirit of the home of Flamenco, envisaging a cellar bar of rustic Spain, with the lady's skirts twirling and the hands and feet…
Guest said

I’m in Spain !! I absolutely love it you are a genius xx

Paul Matthews's avatar
So, after the manic mayhem of 'Hunted' here is a rather more romantic piece for no. 6, and that I have subtitled with the French word for 'Love'......
witzelsucht's avatar
witzelsucht said

That was nice ...

Paul Matthews's avatar
No. 4 is a much more lively 2 minuter, before I probably return to the more epic Movie/Video Game trailer style of creation. Always interested to hear how people visualise the music - the good lady saw a lavish Regency style ball in full flow…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

I'm seeing a "hey we're opening again!" type video from Historic Royal Palaces (Hampton Court, Tower of London, etc) ...

Paul Matthews's avatar
No. 4 is a much more lively 2 minuter, before I probably return to the more epic Movie/Video Game trailer style of creation. Always interested to hear how people visualise the music - the good lady saw a lavish Regency style ball in full flow…
Guest said

Keep them coming Paul.

Paul Matthews's avatar
No. 4 is a much more lively 2 minuter, before I probably return to the more epic Movie/Video Game trailer style of creation. Always interested to hear how people visualise the music - the good lady saw a lavish Regency style ball in full flow…
Pat Bondy's avatar
Pat Bondy said

I'm picturing My Fair Lady as an 80s training montage :)

Paul Matthews's avatar
No. 4 is a much more lively 2 minuter, before I probably return to the more epic Movie/Video Game trailer style of creation. Always interested to hear how people visualise the music - the good lady saw a lavish Regency style ball in full flow…
Guest said

Cette explication trop simple n'eut pu contenter un savant aussi complexe, et, du journal ou on le payait, pour instruire son prochain, il expliqua aux abonnes ebahiscomme quoi ces pauvres oisillons, imprudemment poses sur les fils, avaient ete foudroyes par le fluide telegraphique! Herbalife On n'en connait point de tres-authentiques, et les Antiquaires n'ont guere eu pour comparaison que le portrait dont ils ont pris les traits dans ses ecrits meme, et dans ceux des auteurs qui en ont parle.

Paul Matthews's avatar
No. 4 is a much more lively 2 minuter, before I probably return to the more epic Movie/Video Game trailer style of creation. Always interested to hear how people visualise the music - the good lady saw a lavish Regency style ball in full flow…
Guest said

Very good, defo more upbeat

Paul Matthews's avatar
OK, so episode 3 of my Lockdown Orchestrations series....a different feel this time from the full-on epic trailer style from 1 & 2, perhaps?
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Oh yeah. This is my favourite one so far. OR... it's the one that fitted my mood best at the time I decide to listen to it? :)

Paul Matthews's avatar
OK, so episode 3 of my Lockdown Orchestrations series....a different feel this time from the full-on epic trailer style from 1 & 2, perhaps?
Guest said

I have a mental picture of John Luke Picard cruising through the blackness of space infinity on board the Enterprise . He taps his communicator badge and says .........."SOMEONE TURN THAT BLOODY RADIO OFF!" Nah, seriously sounding very good . I like it sir

Paul Matthews's avatar
OK, so episode 3 of my Lockdown Orchestrations series....a different feel this time from the full-on epic trailer style from 1 & 2, perhaps?
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Beautiful!!!! Truly... I love the hopeful change at about 1:20. Very uplifting

Paul Matthews's avatar
So the latest Orchestral piece I have composed was originally started a few months back before the Virus story broke. I had started it simply as a 'dark' piece, but once the Lockdown started it sort of fitted, and I expanded it to try and tell…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Nice one. I'm getting an 1812 overture sort of vibe out of it... especially with the triumphant end that, yeah, hasn't actually happened yet... but who's counting?(!)

Paul Matthews's avatar
In Lockdown, I have really been inspired to return to my more classical roots, and have enjoyed playing around with the idea of epic style movie or cinematic themes/trailers. I have imaginatively named them Lockdown Orchestrations No. 1, No…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Yep. Followed, looking forward to hearing more.

Paul Matthews's avatar
In Lockdown, I have really been inspired to return to my more classical roots, and have enjoyed playing around with the idea of epic style movie or cinematic themes/trailers. I have imaginatively named them Lockdown Orchestrations No. 1, No…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

The titles didn't grab me when I saw them posted yesterday - so I didn't rush to switch to "listening mode"... but now I have... The music, YEAH! Nice one.
