Paul Matthews's listening history

Paul Matthews's avatar
For no. 3 in this soundscape compilation, I have imagined strolling along the waters edge, contemplating life on a blissful calm day with the relaxing shoreline sounds all around me....!
Andrew Russe's avatar
A tale of keeping your head above the water, or not... Recorded Jan-Feb 2011. I wrote it many years ago, never thought I'd ever do anything with it. I intended to record this with just an acoustic and my new EDB (electric upright bass…
Andrew Russe's avatar
A tale of keeping your head above the water, or not... Recorded Jan-Feb 2011. I wrote it many years ago, never thought I'd ever do anything with it. I intended to record this with just an acoustic and my new EDB (electric upright bass…
Andrew Russe's avatar
**** Jan 17 2015 - Remixed. I was always kinda disappointed with what the original mix sounded like. Listening to it the other day I realised what it is - I'd mixed the vocals too loud. This reduced the "stereo" and killed off a lot of the life…
Andrew Russe's avatar
This is a remix of this song. It was recorded in 2010, and I was in a hurry to post it elsewhere because I'm so fond of the song itself. But I've always hated the old mix - I lost the essence of the guitars and choirs during mastering because…
Andrew Russe's avatar
This is a remix of this song. It was recorded in 2010, and I was in a hurry to post it elsewhere because I'm so fond of the song itself. But I've always hated the old mix - I lost the essence of the guitars and choirs during mastering because…
Paul Matthews's avatar
For no. 3 in this soundscape compilation, I have imagined strolling along the waters edge, contemplating life on a blissful calm day with the relaxing shoreline sounds all around me....!
Paul Matthews's avatar
For no. 3 in this soundscape compilation, I have imagined strolling along the waters edge, contemplating life on a blissful calm day with the relaxing shoreline sounds all around me....!
KCsGroove's avatar
Here's the band version of this song Hans Nooitgedagt Jr - drums Bingsolex - lead guitar Erwin b - bass, recording KC - guitar, vocals & mix The moon comes up The sun goes down The circle of life Going 'round and 'round Living…
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
Fretless guitar, tape and Pure Data process.