this song is about 8yrs old , i have done a video which is on youtube , just type in the title and tonycee , if you would like to , all brass / strings played on keyboard , vocals backing vocals , rythm / lead / bass guitar / played by myself…
Sometimes writing a song is the very best and only thing you can do....
Cold Winter Moon
Oh cold winter moon
And the wind that blows
Bring me a change
For my weary soul
Take away this longing
That fills my heart
Something is over…
For some reason this one demanded to be written...
So here's to all of us that have been in this situation a time or two! Hugs and love to us all!!!
Feel Just Like A Loner
Verse 1
We sit across the table
We share the same old food…
Sometimes life tends to repeat itself if you're not careful.... Good to find a moment to recognize old patterns and shake them off.
Great help on this one from the MN Coffee Table Gang - Greg Connor on guitar and vocals, and Mark Lofgren…
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2022**
Song number 2
Written Monday 7th February 2022
I wrote this one a couple of hours ago.
I set up for recording, and busted a string on the Martin... GAH!!!
I tried a big ole dreadnought thing…
A song I wrote over the last few days. Did a one-take-wonder on the recording, so it's pretty simple. Hope you like it!
Sometimes You Don't
Verse 1
Sometimes in the early morning hours
As the sun lights up the sky
I look back and think…
Comments on Saltyjohn's stuff
Aww - nice song.
Comments made by Saltyjohn
Sweet melancholy, really good song.
Clever, poignant lyrics, well sung. Good job!
Good one. Keep going, you can do it!