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A Bit More Better Productions

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Musta been December cause the air mighty cold
A family was moving in, further down the road
They were not the colour of the others in the street
All the kids were laughing at the trainers on their feet
I was only young and so I guess I laughed along
Didn’t even wait until the mum and dad were gone.
Wasnt till I heard the news about what they had done
Till I stopped and thought and kinda saw that we were one

Then I saw the bigger picture and the bigger picture had you in it x2
I’d been so blind I couldnt see
That without you there wouldnt be a me
I saw the Bigger Picture

Man was she pretty, but hard to please
Always something wrong and I was always on my knees
Begging for forgiveness getting tired of games
Tired of saying sorry when it wasn’t me to blame.
Tired of always having to decode just what was meant
Having to forget it if she were to be my friend
Everything about her was the opposite to me
Kinda like a jigsaw. Was she the other piece? Now was she the other piece?

Kept keeping my head down, I didnt have a lot of time for you
Got me kinda upset now, I didnt have a lot of time for you
Gown home to bed now, I didnt have a lot of time for you

Guess I thought I knew best.
Guess it wasn’t true.

rewind's avatar
rewind said

great song!

A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

glad you like it buddy.. was one of my favourites off the album as a song but a couple o things went astray during recording and pissed on it a bit. If I wasnt lazy I'd re-record it but yeah.. BANJO!!!

dressing the debutantes's avatar
dressing the debutantes said

banjo!! i hear banjo!! love the pedal steel too. great sound.

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