Andrew Gombas's listening history

Andrew Gombas's avatar
Quick live recording on my buddy Jim's guitar while visiting him in Portland. The song hopefully speaks for itself. Eastern Europe gets me every time...
Alister Flint's avatar
something i wrote for my worst half. who happens to be my better one..
quill's avatar
"Working on a new style that's been in my mind for ages, learning to record in my kitchen, experimenting with the guitar and the amp ..." this is the kind of thing that Quill gets up to when he's not kept properly busy. Y'all are just lucky he…
Andrew Gombas's avatar
I locked myself/was snowed into a cabin for a month on the shores of lake Michigan, and turned it into a one man studio. Piblokto is a form of hysteria mainly found in eskimos, sometimes triggered by isolation during which the victim will find…