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am/fm dreams's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by am/fm dreams


Tramp on the street

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a song done by many folk/country performers ,chokes me up every time. there are much better renditions of it out there in music land,buy those!. this I just wanted to add to my list of occupy songs. to drive home the point.

am/fm dreams's avatar
am/fm dreams said

LOVE the banjo man!

terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

Thanks Mikey, I think it was Arthur Fiedler,who said perfect pitch is achieved by tossing a banjo into a dumpster

mikey45011's avatar
mikey45011 said

nice voicngs on banjoe ,but i have to listen in between the tunings but its plendy good

terrysongs's avatar
terrysongs said

I hear you G. its a mean old world, It was a take off on the Jesus's paribal of the rich man and Lazerus. and "to the extent that you did it to one of the least of these".It mostly says give a Sh#t.about people

G-no's avatar
G-no said

You can stay here Terry, no problem. (smile) Love the tune but in today's world I think I'd be sleeping with one eye open if I let a perfect stranger spend the night. I've done it with people I kinda know and not all the time but most the time I got rip off or after a period time I could see I was being taken advantage of and when I'd tell them it's time to move on they'd get hostile. But I agree with the sentiment . I've been on both ends.
