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am/fm dreams's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by am/fm dreams


save our souls

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rpm 2023
Janette Salisbury vocals

we’re starving children, left alone
knocking on the door, but no one’s home

how many days have we been here
how any nights in the cold
praying that someone will answer
save our souls, save our souls

we’re fallen angels, from above
no tiding of joy, and no love

how many years must we wonder
where we would be on our own
growing some wings and discover
we could have flown away anytime

how many years have we suffered
how many years have we suffered
looking for someone to answer
save our souls, save our souls

Floppy Jalopy's avatar
Floppy Jalopy said

such a mood, great build up at 3:15. What movie is this? I want to watch it.

A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

Wow. Love that vocal. And the keys. Awesome

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

Excellent vocal loving the tone effect on that guitar too and the interplay with the keys an excellent start to the album
