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by am/fm dreams


Release Your Passenger (Angie Fights Crime)

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My contribution to the Angie Fights Crime album “Sunny, Sorta…” AFC wrote the lyrics and chords, then gave me free reign to do what I wanted from there.

I tried some very out of character things with the guitar. I think they worked….

knock on my window, who are you?
it’s late and I need to go
but I’ll invite you in out of the cold
you were always the weird one, so strange
and my father never liked you
but I’ll get you some food, then you have to go
then the walls begin to breed
the air white and shimmering
the wolves how they howl
release your passenger
the bells are tolling, but for whom
is this the alarm you fear
I won’t believe a word you say
the stink of food that’s been left out too long
we have to leave you say
but I just want to go home
the walls begin to breed
the air white and shimmering
the wolves how they howl
release your passenger

Reefwalker's avatar
Reefwalker said

Love the song; the additions are cool!

sinuata's avatar
sinuata said

Nice song, nice performance! Good power-pop guitar sound.

am/fm dreams's avatar
am/fm dreams said

very Strokes-ish guitar...nice

Guest said

Can I double heart this? Fantastic!

Norm's avatar
Norm said


Guest said

Cool my friend! Agree crispy crunchy guitar sound. And what a neat idea for the project form Angie F.C.! Ted / Atlanta Trash Collective

Guest said

Wow, brilliant job! Great vocal and I love the guitar work. Cracking song!

Guest said

Brilliant, brilliant, brilliant Tim. EARWORM.

Frank's avatar
Frank said

Great guitar sound, nice song.

Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

Ha! First one in on this nugget of goodness!
