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Purge Cycle

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The loud din of clarions echoed through the halls of the Generation Ship, which had undertaken significant damage. While I was lost inside the holographic array, the ship had pulled into a stellar active zone. The automated navigation attempted to compensate, but the environment was too chaotic. A Conductor was needed, and there had been no Conductor to conduct.

I was able to climb through wires and debris, and manually steer the ship out of immediate danger, but the damage had already been done. I worked to manually redirect remaining energy and CPU to the most critical resources, but it wouldn’t be enough to save all the Hibernator pods. I jettisoned a number of pods that had already been obliterated beyond repair from the ship, where they would inevitably rendezvous with the red star the Generation Ship precariously orbited.

However, this alone wouldn’t be enough. Further sacrifices were necessary, and I dreaded what I would have to do, as I peered back towards the charred framework of the holographic array interface.
