Analog Sisters
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The first song from the demo. The title is a tribute to the fans of a death metal concert in Portugal who threw a rock at Chad Kroger of Nickelback's head.
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This is the best ever version of this song. I performed it at the songwriters festival in Nashville at a dive bar called Bobby's Idle hour, and invited random people to do harmonies. No one came up, but there was a guy in the audience who thought…
I was going through my song ideas folder and stumbled across this lyric that I wrote ages ago... so long ago I have no clue what inspired it. Certainly long before I ever thought up my "Banjo-centric" schtick. But this is a tune that needs a banjo…
You are on a journey to the moon, and once you get there, the atmosphere is not what it seems..
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The first song from the demo. The title is a tribute to the fans of a death metal concert in Portugal who threw a rock at Chad Kroger of Nickelback's head.
Analog Sisters is a hardcore/punk/rock band out of Belding, MI.
Pete - Yelling Keven - Guitaring Shawn - Bassing/Debasing Josh - More Guitaring Adam - Hitting
from Belding, MI, United States
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3 tracks