Andrew Russe's listening history

chesook's avatar
Written By Errol Chugg Produced at Ken Barken Studios
chesook's avatar
Words & Music Errol Chugg
oldrottenhead's avatar
this later became a jemima's kite song but this is the bare bones of the song before mike and tim added to it. Just there Not here Just there So close So far So near So where you are You take it as you find it You see it as it is You’re right…
oldrottenhead's avatar
not really a ghost in my house it just badly needs rewiring. There’s a ghost in my house That we can’t see Moving things around When we’re not here Playing little tricks On my memory Playing little games With my mind There…
oldrottenhead's avatar
a mind escaped destruction signalling for help taking refuge with the dead afore arrival of the shifter o you who turn the wheel and look to windward o you who turn the wheel consider phlebas the search ensues determined are the foes questioning…
oldrottenhead's avatar
something a bit different from me. hope it makes you wanna dance.
oldrottenhead's avatar
she will smother you with all her love take you by the hand and drown you with passion she could lead the blind astray and break the will of stronger men than me she will take your heart she will take your soul gently to her you surrender yielding…
Letter Seventeen's avatar
Chester Arthur was the president But no one remembers him What about you? He served a term with no vice president And no one resident To tell him what to do He came to office by a bullet's grace Garfield lost his place And Arthur took…
Al's left hand's avatar
titus and gertrude throughout Gormenghast
facemask93's avatar
Did this for a Dylanfest , live recoding