rob mills's listening history

Gumbo's avatar
this is the slightly sparkly version of my version of Moschell's "Boxes and Strings" from his 'Circus of Freaks and Fools' RPM Challenge CD. I recorded it as a video last night and redid it in the studio (unfinished sauna) today.
Gumbo's avatar
this is the slightly sparkly version of my version of Moschell's "Boxes and Strings" from his 'Circus of Freaks and Fools' RPM Challenge CD. I recorded it as a video last night and redid it in the studio (unfinished sauna) today.
glu's avatar
more stuff for the glubotic March addendum. The bamboo flute in this track belonged to an old Subud brother ... I don't really know how to play any wind instruments... but this flute practically plays itself.
glu's avatar
tim mcfate's avatar
you tell me what you want you tell what you need i cant give you nothing honey but this pretty little seed where has the sun gone and is it gone forever will it come back someday should we just give it some time i ask you what…
tim mcfate's avatar
i am thinking about words tonight they can be hard as nails they-can be as shapeless as water they can break your heart they can hang like a chain hold you up for years cause you to think twice take away your fears you are falling in love…
Nervous Neal Smith's avatar
Using the waltz beat from the 1958 record album "Rhythm Accompaniment", with the composer on all other instruments. The spoken bits are of xenophobic Utah State Senator Chris Buttars. Written and recorded in February 2009 for the RPM Challenge.
Nervous Neal Smith's avatar
Written and recorded in February 2009 for the RPM Challenge, with the composer on all instruments. Drums were looped in Acid Pro 7.
Nervous Neal Smith's avatar
Using the polka beat from the 1958 record album "Rhythm Accompaniment", with the composer on all other instruments. Written and recorded in February 2009 for the RPM Challenge.
Sonador's avatar
Guitar and Drums recorded Oct 16, 2008; Vocals and Bass recorded on Oct 19, 2008. Drums arranged with DrumTrack.