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A Stitch In Time

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Overpopulation - it’s big and scary and on the way! Recorded as part of RPM 2010

Endicott Road's avatar
Endicott Road said

I like the guitar rhythm on this. The lyrics are good, too. Nice song. ER

Al's left hand's avatar
Al's left hand said

On a technical level, I'm not sure the problem is purely overpopulation. Maybe it's something like that a lot of the ways we increase the carrying capacity of the earth have great potential to destroy it. Oh, great, now I'm overanalyzing song lyrics (I just wrote a whole album of speculative fiction, and I'm pretty sure I disagree with half of it). It's a good tune, 'eh?

Guest said

I really dig your guitar tone Rob Mills. This should be a PSA.

Guest said

Really enjoyed your RPM project, Sir. Looking forward to making time to hear more from you!

Guest said

What a fantastic RPM! Congratulations are in order. Here is a subject close to my heart, and very well put!
