Billy Jack's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
Reg is down again trying to he got the acoustic down..... Burned down the night(Lyrics) Ive burned down i’ve burned down the night set alight to my life trying to put it all right i Burned everything black now burned everything…
mr-glen's avatar
loved doing this one. hope you enjoy it....SDS
These Metal Days's avatar
Dave Berry's avatar
Guitars tuned DGCEAD Bass, various iPad Apps for the Keys Recorded on Boss BR-1200
JESMIAUS 's avatar
my dear fine lady oh my dear green lady underneath the tree where it is shady just the two of us in the green grass Oh my dear fine lady oh my dear green lady underneath the roof where we are lazy I raise my eyebrow and wink forgetting about…
thetworegs's avatar
Is he really a fool..... a rework of an old one....
Keith Landry's avatar
Just a little cover tune I did in preparation for last year's live RPM Challenge album "Letters." Nylon string Yamaha travel guitar, vocals, and one mic... Missed notes and all.
Movement To Contact's avatar
Weaver of seams Sew me a dream Stitch me a shirt Of anger and hurt Pull out my hair For all that was fair Then make me a comfortable Jacket to wear
Reefwalker's avatar
walking out on the cubicle job... for good
AMUC's avatar
I went a little sample crazy this year for the RPM challenge. (This song is the tip of the iceberg, and then it gets far worse.) Thematically, I guess this one resulted from spending a month between the hospital and a rehab facility last year…