Billy Jack's listening history

Lord Sluk's avatar
Movement To Contact's avatar
With Glaka & Mud Octave.
Movement To Contact's avatar
James Michael Taylor's avatar
Florencia - I would telll you the chords but I don't know what they are... The tide is going out in Avila I can feel it in my blood Here I am in South beach Florida Just like you knew I would Florencia, I've been waiting…
Lady Jane's avatar
Music: Jip Verse lyrics: Mark Goldsack Chorus lyrics: Lady Jane Lead recorder: Lady Jane Vocals: Lady Jane A wonderful collaboration that came about by Jip and Mark sending me music/lyrics totally independently and me having a eureka…
henwrench's avatar
kirklynch's avatar
Quick recording of a new set of pipes I'm working on. Long winded explanation- prior to the late 19nth century most Irish pipes featured very small bores and finger holes and were pitched well below modern concert pitch. I've always loved them…
thetworegs's avatar
Heres one of the collabs i have recently done with DJBride, Dave has done all the music and i added the fav so far....hope you enjoy... Saturday Sunday Monday (Lyrics) Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday the whole…
thetworegs's avatar
I heard Vaisvil's Track earlier and had a bit of time so i thought i'd add a thanks Chris for letting me play......... Drama in the cheap Hotel room 52 (Lyrics) I’m in room 52 and i honestly don’t know what to do you’ve taken…
JR James's avatar
Had this one written before the end of year. Finally hit the record button a couple of weeks ago with some electric rythym guitar tracks and built it from there. I was having a problem getting the song to mix right and had an idea to try a different…