Billy Jack's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
Poor old Reg is spending a lot of his time in recovery just looking out the window with a noddle playing in his head.......
richardlaceves's avatar
First of my rpm traks,, this year i am going to try to learn a bit about composing for midi orchestra, with that in mind i have began (in jan) to read several books on midi orchestration, orchestration and counterpoint,,, while these will probably…
richardlaceves's avatar
a brief night journey on the sea of a dream,,, rpm #5 halfway there!
Ron's avatar
Greg let me have another go at one of his songs and I the wrote the words and music for a bridge so that way he has to pay me some royalties when he sells a million !!! lol thanks Greg for your inspiration and great music!!
Movement To Contact's avatar
Just did not really make the cut for RPM this year but had some good concept licks so I decided to let it sleep here.
The Rose Serum Sextet's avatar
The Rose Serum Sextet's avatar
Very serious and such.
The Rose Serum Sextet's avatar
The voices!
Andrew Russe's avatar
This is one of the things I was fiddling with when I sang Me and Bobby McGee as a distraction last week. I'm working on finding out how to get acoustic stuff down consistently and effectively within the confines of what I've got here - I wasn…
Colin Garvey's avatar