Billy Jack's listening history

General X's avatar
This is a distorted delay attempt at some sort of rock/pop. no vocals, just cant seem to find a melody that fits.
General X's avatar
Noah and the Guardians of the Sky's avatar
Noah and the Guardians of the Sky's avatar
Almost finished... Headphones and volume knobs required! Noah and the Guardians of the Sky is a Wildgeas Sci-Fi Ambient project.
Noah and the Guardians of the Sky's avatar
I used a clip of the English version of greetings recorded on the gold disk on board Voyager 1. Thanks NASA/JPL Headphones and volume knobs required! Noah and the Guardians of the Sky is a Wildgeas Sci-Fi Ambient project.
Noah and the Guardians of the Sky's avatar
Just messin' around with some sound Noah and the Guardians of the Sky is a Wildgeas Sci-Fi ambient project.
Room 34's avatar
Mr Sandbags's avatar
A jarring Elysium composition, structurally similar to Komposition-1 but using the Kore 2 instruments "Boesen Buddy" and "Trembling strings" played simultaneously. I think I was also using an osciallator to control note velocity. I need more flexibility…
youngsalve's avatar
alchemx's avatar
Gangster Hip Hop with a classical twist creates danger-action-adventure oriented tonality. Deep drum with excited harpiscord escaping somber violin and sweeping strings. Seizes attention with dangerous timbre and symphonic orchestration creates…