Billy Jack's listening history

frankvar's avatar
travel with me!
MF Hot Wheels Spaulding esq's avatar
there are some buried beneath delay vocals for the listener to wonder about while the guitar lilts away.
uthemandi's avatar
so much he was pained..........
Greg Connor's avatar
First song of the *RPM Challenge 2013*
thetworegs's avatar
Reg is fed up with being judged on his mental health..Care in the community...what a joke...track no3 for the RPM...... Care in the Community (Lyrics) I’ve been shaken down to what i really am and i am really nothing like you or you or you…
informal grae's avatar
5 mins and no more to have this idea down (you can tell!) Cool Hand is a leg end. G:)
thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg has fell off the wagon and wants to party on……theres no looking back……it's full on ….PARTY!!! Party On (Lyrics) Yeah i feel good i’m ready to get it on i feel like i’ve been dead. i been gone so long my mind is alive and im ready rock…
thetworegs's avatar
a different approach with vocals............
Andrew Russe's avatar
I've posted this "Naked" version because Mrs Russe wanted me to... :-) It wasn't "finished" in my mind - there was a certain amount of "orchestration" to come. But I ended up liking the starkness of this version. The original intention…
kirklynch's avatar
More ambient experimentation with my fretless guitar and Roland GR20. This time I used some sounds from the magnetic pickups as well as the midi pickup. Kind of a cheesy synth patch I know, but it was working for me!