Billy Jack's listening history

Djörk's avatar
This track is actually 99.583333% M.T.C. But, I needed an easy project for July, since I didn't have a lot of time last month. He had published it as a "B-Side" called "Quarter of a 60th Spanish." For fun, I just added a few subtle twists. Probably…
uthemandi's avatar
Well do you ??????
Brian J. Kenny's avatar
A true story about a transcendent summer job I had with Scott Shoffner.
Brian J. Kenny's avatar
A story about a good-natured woman and a bunch of recent parolees from the state prison in Vacaville, California, on a Greyhound bus.
thetworegs's avatar
Time for a noodle in the middle of the house move...packing....dumping......sorting...reminiscing..... still waiting to exchange contracts and mean't to be moving Friday....a little stressed
FDR's avatar
I'm a gardener - figure it out!
henwrench's avatar
thetworegs's avatar
I did this classic a little while back with Mike over at the cool lab and i'd forgotten to put it from the teenage mists of time.........
thetworegs's avatar
Another one for the RPM this one on the £16 Special....hope you enjoy...
Greg Connor's avatar
Written by Greg Connor Lyrics: River run away with me I got my paddle in my hand Take me far away from here Take me to the sea Take me somewhere I don’t know Take me where the water goes Start out fast, then go slow Closer to the…