Billy Jack's listening history

James Michael Taylor's avatar
A Cloudy Day For Sunny Am Am G They joke and they laugh and they smile and they Am sneer Am G They say things like, "I love you," for…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
(C) 2006 Royal T Music
James Michael Taylor's avatar
THE DENA WIND The winds, they blow down thru the canyon Blowing so wild and free And the night is my only companion As they're blowing La Dena to me Blowing in the wind Canyons in the wind Fire is in the wind of my life Questions in…
kirklynch's avatar
Started out be an innocent little jazzy study in quartal harmony, but the DL4 was still in my signal path and things went downhill from there! Another done with my beloved '58 Stratotone
pedre123's avatar
made it all myself
OHHO's avatar
First cover I've done. I've always liked this song by John Lennon.
thetworegs's avatar
Reg was feeling lost last night in the cellar so he got the house band together and struck up this heart breaker....................
thetworegs's avatar
Well Jefferry came down the cellar this evening for a chat and a bit of consoling.................. so we decided to recant his tale of woe........................poor old Jeferry.............
Breaking Light's avatar
Live looping, room miked.
Breaking Light's avatar
Local musos friend Darryl Wood remixed a live Witch's Night Out piece.