Billy Jack's listening history

Anthony Sweet's avatar
This is an old one...just wanted to share it. Do you feel the tears fall fall from heaven gathering as puddles at your feet does it stain your shoes? if i stay I won't i won't bare it any longer do you feel the heart sigh…
sixmilewide's avatar
this is a little bit different for us, must have been messin with an acoustic at the time!!.
glu's avatar
just a theme
Nøstalgia's avatar
Ich mag ambiant Stil Musik, Ich hatte Inspiration für dieses Lied, wenn es regnete. Ich liebe den regen. Plötzlich begannen die Wolken dicht über dem Boden erhalten, als wären sie vom Himmel fallen. Dann verschwanden die Wolken, als wenn es…
bddtmm's avatar
The Doors cover by bddtmm. Hope you like it.
States Of The Mind's avatar
All Music by Tyler Dedera. All vocals by Shanna Dawn
vaisvil's avatar
Everyone has a first time.... This is an "out-take" from the You EP. Written in 2000 it was not finished as far as it is until 2005. Being lazy I just adapted the original rough take I made so I would not forget the song. There are a few electric…
Peter Fedofsky's avatar
Finally back to work with this latest album. It's a bit backward looking, but still swanky enough.
Jesse S's avatar
I don't really know what to say...this song was inspired by a friend of mine's relationship that i basically watched get ruined.
Visions of Nell's avatar
(Tolar & Savigear 2010)