Billy Jack's listening history

blind chaos's avatar
our 2010 entry for the RPM Challenge. members included: Minibar Madness - sound effects & noise, Commoner - Amplifier worship, pedals, electrical guitar, The Chaos Council - MicroMoog , alto sax, effects, Tone the Destroyer - violin &…
mmi's avatar
This is a track that I started and glu finished (more like knocked out of the park).
Alter Ego's avatar
This was written in Innsbruck, when I was broke and had no microphone except for a skype headset.
mmi's avatar
I've been noodling about with these chords for what feels like an eternity. They just are telling me what they want to be when they grow up... so I thought it's just time to record them and maybe solicit some kind of feedback. Since I was…
Circuit Tree's avatar
that is not a sample you hear in the background, it is the dryer going. leave it in? okay, sure i'll leave it in. it's these artistic decisions we're all forced to make.
audiophile's avatar
ahh,mount pearl, newfoundland. This song is about that place, The Pearl
The springsteens's avatar
this is about the time i hung out with my friend in the library. we sat on the floor underneath the towering shelves of the dusty poetry section. we're only humans, just two of them. i turned up the reverb. and double tracked one high and one…
Sudara's avatar
Sudara's avatar
David DeSoto is on the upright bass fiddle.
Breaking Light's avatar
Our sun is in a long, cool, quiet period right now. But average ocean temps are the highest ever, and polar ice and glaciers are melting at an alarming rate. Something is going on here.