Billy Jack's listening history

kavin.'s avatar
Waiting For The Lights To Come Back On Yesterday after a storm rolled through, we lost power. Recorded two separate tracks with the Little Martin using the handheld, then laid them on top of each other.
James Michael Taylor's avatar
IF IT MAKES YOU HAPPY KEY - C capo @ 1 C F C If it makes you Happy I will tie your shoe C D G If it makes you happy I will tickle you F C Am…
JR James's avatar
Came up with this chord progression on the bass one day and hit record for the hell of it. Came back to it and decided to throw a quick lil melody over it. I think this is going to close out the "Just a minute?" playlist so I can move on to music…
Magnificat Sonnets's avatar
Robert James's avatar
FAWM's 50/90 starts on July 4th, Independence Day in the USA, and wouldn't you know it New England got hit by the remnants of a hurricane that night. Hurricane Arthur was pretty much just a rain storm by the time it hit us, but it was still song…
Funky Geezer Show's avatar
eshar's avatar
Third track on my Everybody Loves Funk album. A rock, jazz and funk fusion with some vocals added to help move it along nicely.
erocnet's avatar
FDR's avatar
I dedicate this little instrumental to all those people who spent Sunday morning in bed!
Robert James's avatar
Unless my math skills have failed me, this is song #50 and 50/90 is complete! WOOHOO! This song broke my one 50/90 rule... sort of. The rule was that all ideas get used immediately. Nothing gets dropped and everything I try stays. The idea…