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a clockwork romance -> mephisto's carney

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Another two doodads stuck together.


Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

This sounds Organic........... Amazing

Guest said

Woosh! I feared I'd made the dumbest comment in the world EVER. :-p

Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

Yes Sister I liked your description so much I changed the title. I really struggled trying to name these...the royalty check is in the mail :>D

Guest said

Did you change the title of this or am I going mad?

Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

"Reminds me of all night sessions I used to do with a friend using a Wasp synthesizer, an acoustic and some tape echo units."-Mac McIntyre (Pzychotropic) Now THAT I'd like to hear!

Guest said

Reminds me of all night sessions I used to do with a friend using a Wasp synthesizer, an acoustic and some tape echo units. Recorded onto a reel to reel. ah nostalgia :)

Guest said

Wow, sounds like some kind of clockwork romance!
