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Tritonblues-> Titanhues

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Another in the iPod series.

Apps used:
Sound Pallete
NLog synth

World War Nine's avatar
World War Nine said

Oh, cool, someone else uses their pocket phone to harness the modern generator apps for something unusual. Usually, I get flustered because people think I should somehow be able to buy a Kurzweil or a Korg or even a Roland when that's simply not in the cards for me. I use the Android sound generator apps to create textures & fill up space with patterns of rhythm & melody, & I've started to feel a little bit foolish for even trying to make moderne sound performances, since I mostly rely on an acoustic guitar & my vocal mics to multitrack my compositions.

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

What an amazing soundscape. Its like dance music for beatles and slugs and other small slimy things. I love that thick sound on the synths.

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Love Your Sounds Man! The way you construct these pieces are Sublime!

Guest said

Odd, but somehow interesting... :)

Guest said

I think we're vibrating on the same wavelength. Excellent experimentation man.

mmi's avatar
mmi said

Clearly things are very good in Valles Marineris...

Gu Djin's avatar
Gu Djin said

Good use of sounds in here. Not at all like my usual techno babel. Start brought to mind something primevial and then a soundscape for a scifi horror train in a futuristic fairground ride. Cheers

Guest said

oh so good!!!! Cant believe this source of this!! Pro!

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Very cool! The first couple of minutes are like some kind of tribal techno

Guest said

Ooh, this is potent. Love that heavy rhythm underpinning the experimental ambience in the first couple of minutes.
