Comments on Brett Warren's stuff

Brett Warren's avatar
2010 Journey to the offworld
Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

Ha, no, not really. But "Underworld Insurance Needs" is kind of a continuation of it. I have this storyline that keeps developing in my head.

Brett Warren's avatar
2010 Journey to the offworld
Guest said

Really? Well very good luck to you indeed! It does have a definite stage feel to it.

Brett Warren's avatar
Guest said

It ate my comment! This is such a clever and original track that I would be disappointed to lose it. Faved!

Brett Warren's avatar
2010 I just got a phone call... offhand liz loves america though she often falls in love with places she's never been.
Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

Hey, thanks, Bethan. I like this one too.

Brett Warren's avatar
2010 I just got a phone call... offhand liz loves america though she often falls in love with places she's never been.
Guest said

What a brilliantly played and clever track. Love your voice.

Brett Warren's avatar
A countrified tribute to Mr. Eno.
Guest said

Another solid track!

Brett Warren's avatar
The guy who lives next door to the guy who has lots and lots of friends...
Guest said

Still fantastic - love your effortless vox! Lovely tone!

Brett Warren's avatar
She hangs a little garden so everyone can fit in her yard when it's time to take tea fills it up when they're walking about they really knew how to twist and shout and they're always going back that way again rents a flat with his sister…
igor's avatar
igor said

She puts her little garden, Stares down How plants grow, And she never, you hear? Never looked up, There where the trees, Pat the edge of the sky.

Brett Warren's avatar
but the girls is around ... Now you're back in town and you claim that you followed the seam fingertips tight on the dream and slapped with some mission of peace but the girls is around with that hip modern remakin' sound yeah you stole it…
igor's avatar
igor said

Reminds me of Starsailor

Brett Warren's avatar
stared out feet of glass they told me to forget I looked outside for offering and I still haven't lost you yet and I still haven't lost you yet...
Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

Hey facemask, thanks very much for the comments! Glad you enjoyed the music.

Brett Warren's avatar
stared out feet of glass they told me to forget I looked outside for offering and I still haven't lost you yet and I still haven't lost you yet...
facemask93's avatar
facemask93 said

Excellent song Brett , feels like you should be selling your music , i'd buy it

Brett Warren's avatar
but the girls is around ... Now you're back in town and you claim that you followed the seam fingertips tight on the dream and slapped with some mission of peace but the girls is around with that hip modern remakin' sound yeah you stole it…
facemask93's avatar
facemask93 said

Love it lots

Brett Warren's avatar
and sail around the world like some permanent celebration. The continuing adventures aboard the High Powered Love Craft
facemask93's avatar
facemask93 said

Yeah , i definitely love your voice

Brett Warren's avatar
The guy who lives next door to the guy who has lots and lots of friends...
facemask93's avatar
facemask93 said

I liked this from the opening chord , but what i really like is your voice , it has a Louden Wainwright feel to it , good song though , totally yours

Brett Warren's avatar
The guy who lives next door to the guy who has lots and lots of friends...
Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

Thanks, SS. @ OGWT, nobody really. Just a name I lifted from a bad 70's movie called "Riding with Death".

Brett Warren's avatar
The guy who lives next door to the guy who has lots and lots of friends...
Guest said


Brett Warren's avatar
The guy who lives next door to the guy who has lots and lots of friends...
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

nice song - yea leave him alone. Who is he anyway? (forgive my ignorance I'm English) lol

Brett Warren's avatar
The guy who lives next door to the guy who has lots and lots of friends...
Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

Thank you very much, Bethan

Brett Warren's avatar
The guy who lives next door to the guy who has lots and lots of friends...
Guest said

My word, you really are something! The song is good, but you are wonderful. I love your voice!

Brett Warren's avatar
The guy who lives next door to the guy who has lots and lots of friends...
Brett Warren's avatar
Brett Warren said

"I seek Robert Denby. I need to know why I'm considered as elusive as him" Thanks as always, Reef.
