captgene's listening history

The Max's avatar
Most people settle down into a career, get married and have kids, and I'm looking forward to the day when I settle down but before I do, I want to get lost in the world, explore, be anonymous but also have the freedom that comes along with that…
Robert James's avatar
So 50/90 is an unnatural forcing of a crap ton of songs in a relatively short period of time. We're half way though and I've learned one thing. I've learned how easy it is to repeat something you've already done. This one sounds a LOT like…
jip's avatar
It was about time I got on with musical expression. This song is about our interconnectedness. Our identity. Serious mystic stuff eh? Yeah - wait until you hear it - haha. Said the snail to the bird how's your flight? If I had your wings I…
Andrew Hendrickson's avatar
This is my arrangement of the classic organ piece attributed to Bach, for two pianos. It was done entirely by ear, so I changed many chords. It's part of my album, Analytic Continuation.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
This is a tune we did in 2011 and is featured in Ramen Music Issue 6. I wanted to upload it to my last collection of Wildgeas tunes. It's one of my favorite collaborations eveh! Suds mixed this version. It belongs here. Enjoy!
Robert James's avatar
So 50/90 is an unnatural forcing of a crap ton of songs in a relatively short period of time. We're half way though and I've learned one thing. I've learned how easy it is to repeat something you've already done. This one sounds a LOT like…
kavin.'s avatar
Another one in our ninjam series. Myself, Jim Goodin, Ray Istorico and an unknown drummer named Stick. Mix By Jim.
Joe Schumacher's avatar
Trying out the new set-up with a zoom H4n and cubase LE6. I started to make a simple blues just to try out the equipment, but I really like how it ended up, so I thought I would put it up for listeners.
The Max's avatar
Sometimes things work out that you didn't expect to happen and you just look back and say 'wow! we made it'
captgene's avatar
cool, upload seems to work ok now. I did a jam along track.